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Securing new subscribers

One of the most fundamental factors in developing a strong permission-based email marketing strategy is building your subscriber database, and many customers approach us for advice on how to do so organically. It can seem a daunting task at first, but we have this advice that should make it a lot easier to increase your subscriber numbers.

1. How to ask

Online: Data capture forms on your most popular pages on your website are a great place to start. Add forms to other prominent places such as blogs, email footers and even your email campaigns themselves for when subscribers forward onto their friends and colleagues.

In person: Any time you meet clients or prospects is an opportunity to get them to opt-in to receiving news from you. You can use forms on a tablet device at the point of entry to your premises or event and display posters encouraging them to opt-in via text-to-subscribe. QR codes are a great visual tool to use on print media to direct people to your website and get them to sign up there.

2. Attract them with an incentive

Encourage people to subscribe with an offer they can’t refuse.

  • Run a survey or competition with a prize incentive, getting them to sign up as part of the process.
  • Free e-books or PDF downloads are an attractive offer that will cost you very little.
  • Vouchers and discounts will get people interested – just ensure it’s a cost-effective option for you.
  • Promise incentives on a regular basis to maintain your subscribers’ genuine interest and keep unsubscribes to a minimum.
  • Keep forms short – people can be put off by having to answer question after question, so just ask the essentials.

Wherever and however you advertise, the important thing is to get the call to action right. Ensure it is bold and concise, and that it is absolutely clear what you are asking them to do and how.

Keep in mind though that, when building your subscriber base, quality always tops quantity – it is far better to speak to a captive audience though fewer in numbers than to thousands who aren’t interested. So, key to this is:

  • Permission: Ensuring that they want to hear from you about what you are sending them.
  • Value: Make sure you are providing them with something of interest on a regular basis.
The IT Marketing Factory is a hot house for nifty IT marketing ideas designed to help UK resellers and IT support companies better promote their products and services.